The AIMS 5.0 AI Toolbox is a concept for giving new ways of fast prototyping of AI-based models and libraries. By incorporating solid best practices and recommendations, the toolbox provides a structured framework for industrial users to harness the power of AI effectively. To understand the concept of the AI Toolbox, please read the paper or read about the AI Toolbox.
The goal of the AIMS 5.0 AI Toolbox is not to replace the existing toolboxes but to extend the existing solutions to provide common platform for information and knowledge exchange for industrial AI applications. More precisely, AIMS 5.0 AI Toolbox will guide and supervise the design and development process in a more harmonized and structured approach, and thus,maximize the usability of AI models on a larger industrial scale.
For better understanding the AI Toolbox, please read the Getting Started page. To check available applications, tools and algorithms, please see:
If you are searching for tools for application area or use case, you can browse the tools by use cases or by categories.
For citing the AIMS 5.0 AI Toolbox, please use the information below:
author={Hollósi, Gergely and Ficzere, Dániel and Frankó, Attila and Bancsics, Máté and AlMahasneh, Ruba and Lukovszki, Csaba and Varga, Pál},
booktitle={NOMS 2024-2024 IEEE Network Operations and Management Symposium},
title={AIMS5.0 AI Toolbox: Enabling Efficient Knowledge Sharing for Industrial AI},
keywords={Adaptation models;Navigation;Employment;Libraries;Artificial intelligence;Fifth Industrial Revolution;Best practices;AI;machine learning;artificial intelligence;Arrowhead;industrial AI;edge AI;industrial automation;SOA;intelligent services},
author={Ficzere, Dániel and Hollósi, Gergely and Frankó, Attila and Varga, Pál},
booktitle={2023 19th International Conference on Network and Service Management (CNSM)},
title={AI Toolbox Concept for the Arrowhead Framework},
keywords={Scalability;Cyber-physical systems;Service-oriented architecture;Safety;Security;Reliability;Artificial intelligence;AI;machine learning;artificial intelligence;Arrowhead;industrial AI;edge AI;industrial automation;SOA;intelligent services},